Lucky Steel Industries

Lucky steel industries is one of the leading green ship recycling units in ship recycling yard since more than 25 years and authorized to recycling. The company is committed to green ship recycling as per the HKC & EU guidline. The company is one of the few ship recycling yard which are NK certified plants.

We comprise of highly efficient team members fully equipped with required infrastructure not posing any health risk to the workers or to the population within and beyond the vicinity. The facilities provided not only reduce and minimize but also help in eliminating adverse effect on the environment caused by the ship recycling. All company staff members have been trained for working activities, tonnage and type of ships being handled. The variation in the work force may not however be substantial as on an average, the daily production of steel is likely to very between 30 to 70 metric tons. The time taken for the completion of the dismantling of a ship would therefore vary on case to case basis.

Lucky steel industries is a member of the TSDF, CETP and incinerator site at Alang. The entire waste generated from recycling activities is kept separately as recyclable material and disposable stored appropriately. The latter is transferred to a waste management facility, identified by state pollution control board while the recyclable is sold to the resister recycler.